Our affiliate program allows you to generate a some extra income just by posting links on your forum entries, blog or display website. We have developed the tools you need to be successful and the process is really simple. Here is how it works:
You will receive your own unique URL which will allow us to automatically track all sales generated when someone clicks your link and purchases items from HolidayCoro within 7 days.
Each quarter, 4 times a year, we will send you a check for 5% of the sales that were associated with purchases from your affiliate link.
Start by clicking the Continue link below to start the process.
If you will be posting a banner ad or links from your website, provide the URL to the website where they will be located. If you will be providing links to our products when you post in a forum, just indicate the forums where you post (Planet Christmas, DIYLA, etc) along with your forum ID. We want to ensure that our affiliates are knowledgeable and helpful members of the holiday lighting community.
Next you will be asked for the Tax ID number. We are required by law to provide 1099 statements for payments to affiliates. If you wish not to provide this information at this time you can enter "Not at this time" and we will obtain your tax information from you prior to sending your first check. This can be a EIN if you are a business or a SSN if you are an individual.
If you are already have an account on our website and are logged in, your current address will be shown indicating where we should mail payment checks. If you are not logged into our website or don't already have an account, you will be prompted to create an account and/or log in.
That's it! Just click the Continue button to submit your application and usually within 24 hours we'll be in touch with you on the status of your application.