Q: Does HolidayCoro ship to APO / FPO / DPO addresses? A: Yes - we do ship to APO, FPO and DPO addresses but box sizes are within the limits of the USPS system. Those limits are: - No more than 70 pounds per carton - No more than 130 inches of Length + Girth. To determine the number, go to https://www.inchcalculator.com/dimensional-shipping-weight-calculator/ and enter the expected dimensions of the cartons. For example, a 46" x 46" Singing Christmas Tree ships as 48" x 25" x 1" (single tree), so the Length + Girth measurement is 100 inches and thus could be shipped. Typically many larger coro item can be folded (stars, singing faces, snow flakes, etc) to reduce size and we will work to ensure the tighest possible shipment at the lowest cost.
Q: I don't see an APO / FPO / DPO shipping option, how do I select that? A: All military orders are processed manually due to the complexity of shipping. We must have the ordered placed and then we determine the final carton size and weight and will send a payment request. To place an order for FPO / APO / DPO, perform the following steps: - Add all the items that you wish to order to your cart - On the cart page, select the credit card payment option: Proceed by clicking the credit card option - On the checkout page, enter your billing and shipping (APO / FPO / DPO) addresses and if needed, create an account - Select the type of shipping as GROUND - Under PAYMENT, click the carrot arrow to the right of "Other ways to pay" and check select the radio option "Check by Mail" - In the checkout comments section, enter the following information indicating the shipment is for USPS APO mail and the method of your payment: PROCESS ORDER FOR APO SHIPPING, PAYING WITH CREDIT CARD / PAYPAL
- Submit your order - We will adjust your order for the actual shipping cost and then send a payment request - Once paid, your order will ship
Q: Does it take longer to ship via APO / FPO / DPO compared to UPS or DHL shipping? A: Yes, it make take a few days to a week or more additional time during November and December.
Q: Do you offer a military discount? A: At this time we do not.